
This adorable little girl is Liberty. I had the pleasure of shooting her this week, and we had a blast playing together on the playground!! Here are some of my favorites 🙂

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  • Anonymous

    Liberty is just a doll. Beautiful portrait session. Kids are so much fun. Once you’ve won their heart the images are priceless. Looks like you did that from the start. Keep up the great work++

  • Julie Walton Shaver

    Beautiful warm light in those playground shots ++ I love the colors!

  • Jill Higgins

    Liberty is such a cutie. I LOVE the bike shot and the next to the last one on the swing – GREAT! 🙂 ++

  • Anonymous

    Ashley, I adore #3, what a cutie!! ++:)

  • Mike

    When you put them in their element, they just shine dont they! I think this is the best way to capture childrens photography! Great shots, I like the first one on the swing – what a great expression!++

  • debbie

    These images are so fresh and fun! And it’s hard to get those swinging shots! Great work :). ++

  • Candy's Photography

    What a cutie! Great shots!!

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