
Kelley & Todd: Merion Botanical Park Engagement Session

Meet Kelley, Todd and Todd’s daughter Jenna.  I shot their engagement session this week after rescheduling a whopping four times for rain!   Their session was at Merion Botanical Park which is a beautiful little park on The Main Line.  Kelley did such a fantastic job coordinating their outfits!

Jenna is 8 and has a huge personality.  She was cracking jokes throughout our session 🙂

Love the beautiful ring Todd picked out!

I love seeing the love on people’s faces…


Another favorite! They just look so crazy-happy~

There is an adorable little stream and bridge… perfect for pictures.

Another shot of the ring… Everything was so green at this location I figured the ring needed a little green, too. 

Another favorite!

I’m looking forward to shooting Kelley and Todd’s wedding in September at!

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  • Shouli Tung

    Was shooting in Merion Botanical Park free? Did it require a permit? 

  • admin

    Yes free, I didn’t have a permit.

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