
Jen & Lefty: Revel Atlantic City Engagement Session

I love this session because it is a bit different from what I usually shot.  Jen and Lefty choose to do their engagement session at Revel in Atlantic city – such a great spot for a shoot!  Actually it brings me right back to the 5 years I spent shooting weddings in Las Vegas.  I loved all the beautiful glass bouncing the evening light around.  Jen and Lefty are absolutely adorable and made my job super easy.  We spent most of our time in this area called The Sky Garden – beautiful garden walkways overlooking the ocean.  It doesn’t get much better than that! 

Love this gorgeous ring! It was lefty’s grandmother’s (Or maybe great grandmother’s? I will have to double check that!).  Sparkle background provided by Jen’s amazing shoes!

Love the sweetness of this one!


Loved all the reflections in the windows of Revel!

How amazing are her shoes!? And her legs!?

Then we headed inside and grabbed some champagne and utilized this beautiful walkway inside the hotel.

Love this last shot!  I can’t wait to shoot Jen and Lefty’s weddings this November!  The best part – those gorgeous shoes will  be making another appearance! 🙂

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