
Stacy & Paul: Atlantic City Country Club Wedding

Stacy and Paul got married on a gorgeous September day and celebrated with a reception at the Atlantic City Country Club, a beautiful spot for pictures.

Stacy got ready at her parents house…

Stacy’s mom made her invitations and other paper goods.

Stacy was a gorgeous bride!

I love the expression on Paul’s face in this shot.

Paul’s son was the ring bearer, isn’t he so cute?


How cute is he??

The golf course had so many beautiful spots for pictures…


Some of their beautiful reception details.

First dance, love the uplighting in the background.

I wanted to sneak outside to do some sunset photos… I took a peek out and it was a beautiful sunset so I grabbed Stacy and Paul and by the time I got them outside we were surprised with this stunning rainbow.

Stacy and Paul: I hope you guys had an amazing time in Hawaii! It was such a pleasure to work with you!

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