
Kristen & Andrew: Wedding

On July 25th I headed out to Minneapolis, MN to shoot the lovely wedding of Kristen and Andrew. I am so happy that I have the opportunity to not only work with super nice clients, they also happen to be pretty gorgeous too! Lucky me!

How stunning is Kristen??

Kristen and Andrew opted to see each other before the ceremony so they had plenty of time for portraits (something I highly recommend!). Here Andrew is anxiously awaiting Kristen.

I love the expressions on their faces when they first see each other!

All the pretty ladies…

And the guys…

So happy! 🙂 I hope they always feel this happy when they look at each other.

I just loved this one of the guys… shows a lot of personality 🙂

Trying to hold back the tears


We took a few minutes during cocktail hour at the country club where the reception was held to take advantage of the gorgeous sunset light.

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  • Beautiful images Ashley! Looks like it was a really beautiful wedding. 🙂

  • What a gorgeous couple!

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