
Dianne & Chris: Wedding

On Friday September 4th I shot a really unique wedding at the home of Chris’s parents in New Jersey. Dianne did a wonderful job of pulling all the details together, which included a hay aisle, and mason jar’s for both vases an drinking glasses. It was a totally unique, fun affair.

Gorgeous 🙂

Chris was telling me the story of the diamond in Dianne’s custom made wedding band when I took this photo, it was his great great grandmothers. Love that!

Checking himself out 😉

Some of the beautiful details

Dianne’s brother walking her down the aisle

Watching his bride approach

Turns out hay works pretty well as an aisle, don’t you think?! 🙂

I love the way his hat is covering their faces and the sun streaming in behind them

After the ceremony, we snuck into the woods to take some portraits. What a great location!

Seriously gorgeous!!

So Chris’s parents have goats, and Chris and Dianne wanted pictures with them. Here’s one of my favorites… this goat liked me 😉

First dance!

I’ve said many times before and I’m sure I will continue to say it over and over again, but I just LOVE when I can see the love between two people… Chris and Dianne made my job so easy. What a fun wedding!

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