
Vendor Spotlight: Cescaphe Event Group

This weeks Vendor Spotlight features the Cescaphe Event Group. Cescaphe is one of Philadelphia’s premier event groups offering five unique venues for your wedding day- Cescaphe BallroomAtrium at Curtis Center, Tendenza, Downtown Club, and Vie. I have shot a number of great weddings held by Cescaphe with stunning details and exquisite food options. I can’t wait to shoot an upcoming wedding at the newest venue, Vie! Check out some of my favorite images from weddings by Cescaphe below…

cescaphe event group- downtown club cescaphe event group- tendenza cescaphe event group- curtis center cescaphe event group- downtown club cescaphe event group- tendenza cescaphe event group- curtis center cescaphe event group- tendenza cescaphe event group- curtis center cescaphe event group- downtown club cescaphe event group- curtis center cescaphe event group- curtis center cecescaphe event group- downtown club cescaphe event group- curtis center cescaphe event group- curtis center cescaphe30

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