
Schuh Family: Prophecy Creek Park Portraits

After rescheduling for rain (it’s been raining a lot lately, right?!) we shot this session bright and early on Mother’s Day – what a great way to spend the day.  Last time I saw Dalton was for his 1 year old portraits – he’s grown so much! Unfortunately, this time around he wasn’t my biggest fan.  He was much more interested in exploring all the cool things at Prophecy Creek Park (rocks! sticks! a creek!). So I shot him with more of a documentary style as he explored… Enjoy a few favorites:

Since our last session Rob and Alex welcomed another child, Vera.  Isn’t she adorable?

Yeah, she is pretty darn cute!

Love these sweet snuggles with mom!

Look at all those teeth! SO sweet!

Throwing some rocks into the creek…

I think Dalton found the biggest stick in the park!

Finally some smiles! 🙂

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