
Valentine’s Day Contest Winners…

First of all, thank you to everyone who took the time to write to me and tell me their love story. There were so many great entries, it was difficult to choose!

It is my pleasure to announce the winners… Paul & Jessica! There were so many things I loved about their email. Their cute nickname – PB&J, the fact that Paul wrote it (the only entry I’ve EVER had written from a groom-to-be), the subject line of their email “Happy Valentines Day – Please pick us” (so cute), and of course their sweet story. Here’s an excerpt from the end of their email.

We have struggled and have cried but more importantly we have managed to build a life and a love from the ashes of each other’s personal tragedies and setbacks. When you look at that picture you can’t see the struggles we’ve been through. You cannot see the tears that were shed, the worry over money or what may happen next in our lives. Jessica and I both feel like we have been through more in four years than most married couples may have gone through in decades. We are each other’s rock and each other’s shelter when life tosses overboard.


Paul and Jessica – Email me and we’ll set up your engagement shoot. Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!

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