
Sad. Warning: RANT!

A personal post. Something I don’t do terribly often, but I feel the need to vent. 2008 has been a rough year…

Tonight I returned home from a weekend in Phoenix to shoot a lovely wedding. We headed straight to Chelsea’s for a PUG followed by dinner. I returned to my apartment at about 11:30pm… and noticed my flat screen TV missing from the wall where it should hang. Wow! I’ve had a break in. I think anyone would agree that is a pretty crappy situation, not to mention scary. I briefly looked around to see if anything else was missing. Nothing. I check for my jewelery box… stll there. Phew. I call the police to report the break in. While on the phone I realize that thouh my jewelry box was still here, two important pieces were gone…. my moms wedding ring and engagement ring from my dad. I completely lost it. Of all the things you could take from me, I don’t know what else could hurt more. My mom gave me those rings just last month while I was visiting her, and I held them very close to my heart. What kind of people break into your home and take things from you? I feel completely heartbroken.

Though I called the police two hours ago to report the break in, no one has come yet… I guess it is a busy day for crime in this lovely city.

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  • Tim Co.

    🙁 The only place to go from here is up! Your an amazing person, stay positive and keep your head up. I’ll common down and we can drown our sorrows in food, a bit of culinary therapy :-).

  • Jennifer


    I’ve been following your blog for a while and haven’t commented unitl now. I know I should have commented before a situation like arose. I’m sorry. But from what you said about the rings… It almost sounds like someone knew about them… and with you receiving them recently. I don’t know maybe it’s just a conspiracy theory…. I hope that everything is recovered. Until then, I’ll keep you in my prayers. Best Wishes….. And on a side note, Your photography is inspiring.

  • Green Orchid Events

    I know there is nothing anybody can say to make this all better. It angers and saddens me so much that people can be so cruel. The TV can be replaced but I am so sorry that the rings were stolen.

  • Tammy

    I’m SO sorry this happened to you. It’s very possible it was someone who knows you, knew you’d be out of town and knew you had the valuable rings. I know nothing anyone says can make the situation any better, but try to stay positive. I really hope the police can do something and recover those items.

  • Chelsea Nicole

    Ashley, that’s so horrible! I’m so sorry this happened to you. 🙁

    It’s sad the things some people do.

  • Kenny C

    Ashley! I’m so sorry from the bottom of my heart. That is truly horrible. It’s so violating when you realize that someone has been in your home, and to have them steal such precious items to you. I’m very, very sorry, and I hope that God gives you only good news from now on.

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