
Reminder for photographers: First Las Vegas PUG is Tomorrow!

Just a friendly reminder to all you Las Vegas photographers that our first Las Vegas PUG is tomorrow June 3rd. Here is all the info from the original post:

Hey Las Vegas photographers! I’m so excited to announce our very first PUG meeting in Las Vegas one week from today, Tuesday June 3rd at 7:00pm. My friend Chelsea Nicole and I will be hosting the very first meeting at her home, and all local photographers are welcomed and encouraged to come join us!

For those of you who don’t know what a PUG is, it is a Pictage User Group and it is a great way to network with other local photographers…. and learn more about the benefits of being a Pictage member if you aren’t already! To learn more about our PUG check out the PUG website.

Again, we are welcoming any local photographers to our first meeting, and there will be food drinks and fun so you should definitely check it out! If you’d like to come drop me an email and I will get you all the specific information. Hope to see you there!

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