
Let Them Eat Cake

First let me apologize for the delay in getting these images posted. After some extreme discomfort Sunday night the kept me up all night, I headed to the doctors and it turns out I had a kidney infection! So I have been giving myself some bed rest and allowing the antibiotics to take effect. Now I am feeling so much better!

Anyway! Saturday I had the pleasure of shooting some images for Juliet of Green Orchid Events at her a ‘bridal advisory tea party’ she was hosting for brides to be. The event featured inspiration for invitations, table settings, flowers, cakes, and cupcakes… and best of all cupcake and cake tasting! Yum!

Cake designs by Aracelli Zea of Custom Cakes

Table designs by Tivoli Floral

Cupcakes by Mad Hatter Cupcakes who hosted the event, all cupcakes are custom made to order (you pick the cupcake, filling, and frosting and the are awesome!)

And the best part… cake tasting! 🙂 Also by Aracelli Zea of Custom Cakes

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  • Green Orchid Events

    Thank you so much Ashley! They’re beautiful and I’m adding to my blog and myspace tonight!

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