
January #instagrams

January is a wonderful time of year in the wedding industry.  Weddings die down which allow for time to catch up on some of the other aspects of business (brand new website, coming soon!).  Plus it is a big booking time because of all the people that get engaged over the holidays.  It is so exciting to meet with all the new couples I will be working with this year.  But I’m not going to lie, the weather is getting to me!   The gloom and freezing temperature is enough to make me want to move to someplace warm!  I tried to brighten up my mood with some  hot pink nail polish one day – it actually works pretty well 🙂  This month I hosted a Cupcake Wars event with my baking group – my orange creamsicle cupcakes won best tasting! I used this recipe and they were really quite yummy.  If you’d like to keep up with my daily posts follow me on instagram @ashleybphoto.


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