
And the winners are… Valentine’s Day Contest Winners (finally!) Revealed

Since I didn’t have a chance to announce the winners of my Valentine’s Day Contest actually ON Valentine’s Day… what better day than Oscar night?! Honestly, I sincerely apologize for not being able to post the winners last week I just have didn’t have a chance to read through all the entries with planning my move and WPPI convention (more on that soon). Thanks SO much to everyone who entered!!

So, without further ado… the winners are…

Engaged Couple: Stacey & Gareth — I LOVED their story of meeting as neighbors and eventually falling in love. Plus, don’t they just look sooo darn happy? Congratulations on your engagement!

In LOVE Couple:  Tamara & Aaron
— Aft er a brief meeting, they reconnected online three years later, after another two years of being phone friends from across the country they met again 5 years after their first meeting! Isn’t that insane? Now they’re happily married! What a great story 🙂

Winners please email me to set up your sessions. Thanks again to everyone who entered!

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