
101 things in 1001 days

For the first few weeks I’ve been working on my list of 101 goals to accomplish in 1001 days, it is harder than you think!! My goals are a combination of business, personal, and silly… and I will be blogging about each one as I complete them, so stay tuned! The official start date is tomorrow, and my 1001 days will end on October 19th, 2010. Wish me luck!!

1. Go to Italy
2. Photograph a tropical destination wedding — 06/09!
3. Blog everyday for a month – February 2008
4. Take a photography class
5. Take an pottery/ceramics class
6. Go on a ski trip complete with a mountain lodge and fireplace
7. Explore a new city and check out photography galleries
8. Start a monthly newsletter for my clients – 02/04/2008
9. Volunteer for an organization that helps animals
10. Shoot a wedding in one of the 33 states that I haven’t yet — Delaware! 07-12-08
11. Read all five unread business books I have sitting on my bookshelf – in progress
12. Host a contest on my blog – February 2008
13. Second shoot a wedding with a photographer I admire – DrewB 11/15/08
14. Enter prints into WPPI competition
15. Organize old family photos
16. Treat myself to a day at the spa

17. Have a wedding published in a national magazine
18. Take a family photo (me, my brother, and my divorced parents) – Thanksgiving 2008

19. Go camping… outside 🙂
20. Take a yoga or pilates class – 01/30/08
21. Go away for a weekend alone, not for work
22. Save 10% of what I’ve earned in one year
23. Go target shooting
24. Take scuba lessons
25. Join a local camera club
26. Take a day trip to photograph death valley
27. Visit the redwoods and photograph it
28. Submit images to a stock agency… and have some accepted – 1/28/08
29. Create a best images of 2007 wedding album – completed

30. Take a cooking class
31. Take a cake decorating class – March 2010

32. Go to Imaging USA
33. Lose 20lbs
34. Be a mentor for an aspiring photographer
35. Take a surfing lesson – Hawaii – 09/19/09

36. Go horse back riding
37. Buy an original oil painting that I love – 11/16/07
38. Invest in the stock market – 2009
39. Sell my old camera equipment (Mamiya 645 and accessories)
40. Hire a dog trainer for my bad boy Jack – complete,  he’s mostly good now 🙂

41. Sell my unused camera bags (rolling case and backpack)
42. Visit Zion in the fall and take pictures
43. Have lunch with another local photographer – 2/21/08 – Hi Chelsea! 🙂
44. Create sample album(s) for my favorite venue
45. Create a relationship with 2 new vendors
46. Shoot a *fun* trash the dress session
47. Hike Mt. Charleston during the springtime
48. Begin a personal photography project
49. Update the portraits section of my website — July 08 added some pretty darn cute kids
50. Clean out my car… and keep it clean — working on it 🙂
51. Go on a cruise – January 2010
52. Finish my college scrapbook
53. Attend/start a PUG in Vegas – First meeting June 3rd!!!
54. Go ice skating in Rockefeller Center
55. Go fishing
56. Create custom thank you cards for my clients
57. Network with local vendors to promote portrait business
58. Shoot 5 portrait sessions
59. Present at an intimate bridal show
60. Shoot a completely baby story, from maternity through first year — Began May 08
61. Shoot a pet portrait
62. Create a FAQ section for my website – DONE
63. Create custom letterhead and envelopes
64. Go on a picnic
65. Go boating at Lake Mead
66. Redesign business cards/branding
67. Take a dance class
68. Take some photographs featuring star trails
69. Build a sand castle – summer 2008
70. Go to a fair or carnival – August 2009, Grange Fair

71. Go to Rock Star Karaoke at The House of Blues
72. Attend an awesome photography workshop run by a photographer I admire
73. Convert to Mac – Spring 2009!!  And SOO happy I did!
74. Figure out where I want to live and relocate
– march 2009!
75. Join a young entrepreneurs group
76. Win a poker tournament
77. Visit Michelle in LA and do something fun
78. See a band live that I’ve never heard of before
79. Have one of my landscape shots printed on 20×24 canvas for my home
80. Get me wisdom teeth removed (ow. I’ve been putting his off for a while now 😉 )
81. Give a 100% tip to an awesome waiter or waitress
82. Get a GPS system – I’m counting my iPhone 🙂
83. Buy a book of drawing paper and fill it up
84. Take a painting class
85. Buy a secondhand home decor item and spruce it up or hire Home Inspections firms
86. Have my work featured on
87. Have my business featured in a local magazine
88. Take an economics class
89. Take a business/marketing class
90. Make 5 new friends – complete! 🙂

91. Go to a psychic
92. Create a new theme for my packaging materials
93. Have custom stickers made for packaging
94. Photograph a band
95. Purchase a fish eye lens
96. Stay at a bed and breakfast – 11/16/08
97. Take the ‘one light’ workshop
98. Add 6 new pieces of awesome clothing to my work wardrobe — definitely done, plus some!
99. Take portraits of my parents — 1/2 there, got mom! (bald and beautiful!)
100. Create a website for my personal/art work
101. Donate $5 to charity for every item not completed at the end of the 1001 days

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  • Danielle

    Great list. Good luck accomplishing your goals!!

  • Mary Beth Tyson Photography

    Come to florida and shoot with me – if you haven’t shot in florida that will complete 1 of the 33 states. You can build a sand castle and go fishing!! Check off three!


    mary beth

  • Tracey Kumer-Moore

    You have been “tagged”!

    Yep, you have to list 5 songs that you are embaressed to have to admit you secretly love.

    Then tag 7 more friends & get them to ‘fess up too.

    Have fun!

  • […] of the highlights of 2009 for me was being able to cross off a major item from my 101 things to do list, ‘Photograph a tropical destination wedding’. And I had the opportunity to shoot THREE […]

  • […]  back on January 21st, 2008 I posted my first list of 101 things to do in 1001 days.  I only completed about 40 of 101 items. I have to give myself a big fat F for that.  To be […]

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