
Melissa & Kyle: Peace Valley Park Engagement Session

I just love this shoot so much!  Melissa and Kyle chose to do their engagement session at Peace Valley Park because that is where Kyle proposed! What a perfect location.  Their two dogs joined us as well – Loki and Roo – aren’t they gorgeous?  We were luck enough to perfect, sunny weather as well which is especially lovely toward the end of the shoot.

Like many guys Kyle doesn’t love having his picture taken but he did a fantastic job!

Engagement session with dogsdog engagement session

Love this one!

peace valley park portraits

Kyle is a great dog dad.

philadelphia pet photography

Another favorite! It just feels so happy to me

Peace Valley Park engagement sessionPeace Valley Park engagement picturesengagement session with dogsPeace Valley Park engagement pictures

We had some gorgeous fall leaves and scenery at this park.  Definitely a new favorite location.

Peace Valley Park engagement picturesPeace Valley Park engagement picturesfall engagement session

Did I mention we had an amazing sunset view? I could sit right in this spot every night and live happily.  Such a gorgeous view.

Peace Valley Park sunset

Loving these gorgeous fall colors.

Peace Valley Park fall engagement pictures

Another favorite! Such wonderful light… a photographers dream!

engagement pictures Peace Valley Parkengagement pictures Peace Valley ParkBucks County pet photography

Another favorite! Did I mention I loved this place!? 🙂

Thanks Melissa and Kyle for having me as your photographer! Can’t wait until your wedding next year!!

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