
Marisa & Chad: Prophecy Creek Park Engagement Session

Marisa and Chad’s engagement portraits were taken at a lovely local park, Prophecy Creek Park.  I love shooting there because there is such a nice variety of locations to use as backgrounds.  Marisa and Chad will bet getting married next month in the city so it was nice to have a completely different type of location for their engagement session.  We started the shoot in this lovely field.  Oh how I love a good field!
Blue Bell engagement sessionsfall engagement session

Favorite!  I love laughing pictures.

Philadelphia engagement pictures

What a gorgeous blue sky we were blessed with!

prophecy creek park engagement session

Another favorite!

fall engagement pictures

After we finished in the field we walked around a bit and discovered this lovely path.

blue bell engagement picturesprophecy creek park engagement pictures

romantic engagement pictureshappy engagement pictures

Love these gorgeous happy faces!

prophecy creek park pictures

An adorable bridge? Yes, please!

prophecy creek park engagement sessionromantic engagement pictures

How gorgeous is Marisa’s ring?! Nice job, Chad!

halo engagement ring

Prophecy Creek Park also has a lovely barn.  This wall is a part of it and there are also some beautiful red doors and a silo which you will see soon!

barn engagement sessionSilo engagement pictures

Perfect fall leaves! The only thing that makes the dropping temperatures worth it in my opinion 🙂

fall engagement portraits

The gorgeous red door I mentioned earlier! Love!

red barn doors

Look at those gorgeous red leaves!  And another shot of Marisa’s gorgeous ring. I love the way it pops against the bright red.

fall engagement session

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