
Kelly & Danny: Long Beach Island Engagement Session

A few weeks back I shot this lovely Engagement session for Kelly and Danny at the beach on Long Beach Island. You might remember them because they were the winners of my Valentine’s Day Contest this year. I’m thrilled that they have also hired me to shoot their wedding next summer!

On a side note, a funny story: I shot this session the day after Mark and I got engaged. Since Mark had taken the whole weekend off work we drove down to the beach early in the morning to hang out. During the photo session Mark sat in the car on one of the residential streets listening to the Phillies game. Well, apparently someone living on this street was creeped out by the man sitting in the car… and called the police. About ten minutes before I finished the session I got a call from Mark asking me how much longer I’d be. I told him I was on my way back now… but I took about 15 minutes getting a few more shots. You can imagine my surprise when I arrived back at the car to Mark AND a policeman! Apparently Mark had told the cop that he was waiting for me to finish a photo shoot and he wanted proof, running his drivers license and plates wasn’t quite enough. LOL! I felt so bad making him wait with the polive, poor Mark!

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