
Dina & Rob: Philadelphia Engagement Session

A few weeks bad I met Dina and Rob in Philadelphia to shoot their engagement photos.  We started out at the restaurant Mercato, which is one of their favorite restaurants and where they had one of their first dates. A few days after their session I received a gift certificate from then for Mercato – how sweet are they?! A huge thanks to Dina and Rob for that!  Mark and I can’t wait to try it. I’m looking forward to shooting their wedding next May at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.

Love this tiny little street!  Dina and Rob took me to a few specific areas around the city that they had in mind for pictures.  They did a great job picking locations!

Love all the beautiful homes around the Pine Street arrea.  Gorgeous!

Loving the beautiful fall leaves!

I love the way Rob makes Dina laugh!

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