
Melissa & Ryan: Beach Haven, NJ Wedding

Melissa and Ryan got married on a perfect fall day in Beach Haven, NJ with a beautiful ocean view.  Melissa and Ryan truly are two of the nicest people around and I was thrilled to share in their wedding day.


We started the day at a beach house where Melissa got ready.  Here are a few of my favorite details:

Melissa was a trooper when I asked her to get dressed *gasp* outside, but who could pass up this view? 🙂

The stunning Melissa!

I am crazy about beach side weddings!  Loved the gorgeous ocean view.

Married!  After the ceremony was finished we walked along the beach for some portraits with the bridal party and the bride and groom.

I am naturally a nervous person and kept getting worried that Melissa would get hit by a rogue wave and we’d end up in a viral news story with pictures of her waist deep in the ocean 🙂  but luckily that didn’t happen.  Melissa was so relaxed and perfectly happy to ‘risk’ getting splashed.

After our walk on the beach we headed over to The Boat House where Melissa and Ryan had their reception, and used the pier for a few more photos.

For many more images check out their slideshow below or click here.



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