
Happy New Year! #instagrams

What a wonderful year it was! Looking back at all my instagrams from the year brings me so much joy (can you tell I like flowers?). As our first year as a married couple Mark and I dubbed 2012 “The year of fun and travel”. It definitely was that! Over the course of the year we traveled to California, Las Vegas, Chicago, Atlanta, Disney World, Baltimore, Cape May, and Mexico. We celebrated Mark’s 33rd birthday, our first anniversary, and my 30th birthday. I was honored to shoot so many gorgeous weddings and portrait sessions (blog posts of my favorites from the year coming soon!). This year I’m going to focus on appreciating the area we live in and focus on the little things. If you’d like to see what I’m up to you can follow me on instagram @ashleybphoto.


To see more instagrams for the year, check out each months recap here.

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