
Happy Halloween!

Fall is my *favorite* time of year! I love the colors, the smells, warm pumpkin pie, hot apple cider and it leads up to two of my favorite things… my birthday and Thanksgiving! It is not quite the same here in Vegas as it is where I grew up in Pennsylvania. No changing leaves, or crisp, cool air or haunted hayrides… but I love it just the same.

But we do have pumpkin patches! Well sort of. We have picked pumpkins nicely displayed on hay bails. Not quite the same as going to the local farm to pick a pumpkins from the field, but I’ll take it!

Last weekend I joined my boyfriend and his 4 (almost 5!) year old daughter Layla at the pumpkin patch.

So pretty!

I think you would call this… sassy

Seriously, how cute is she?! And what gorgeous light!

Layla was being held by her dad when she yelled that she had discovered THE pumpkin she wanted… and ran after this yellow, warty thing. I guess she likes unique things 🙂

Hanging with dad

Silly faces!

This one probably weighed almost as much as she did!

Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you have a fabulous weekend 🙂

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    cute..luv the colors

  • Melissa McClure Photography

    What a cutie!!! Cool shots of the warty pumpkins 🙂

  • perfectinpink713

    Great pics Ashley! I never checked out your website before but now that I have, I must say it is the cutest thing ever! I love the shots of brother and miss sassy! (Not to mention all the other pictures are gorgeous too!)
    See you soon! 🙂
    much love,
    gabby h

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