
Album Options – Fine Art Album

fine art album swatches finalfine art album linen

Personalizations such as image insets and imprinting are available. Imprinting is available in blind (no color), black, white, red, silver, and gold and can be arranged centered, in the bottom middle, or in the bottom right. Font choices are Script and Sans Serif. Imprinting is $40 for up to two lines. Image inset is $40 for one image.

Shown below:  Navy silk shantung with image inset, plum silk brocade with image inset, and pearl with image inset and silver spine imprinting (Sans Serif).


Shown below from left to right: Acrylic image cover ($200 upgrade) with black leather wrap, white leather with black imprinting (Sans Serif, bottom right), and black blossom non-leather.


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